Blog Challenge, Question 2…..20 facts about me

Question number two of the blog challenge, 20 facts about me. This one is a little harder than what I thought it would be, I’m not as exciting of a person as I use to be.

  1. I am a Registered Nurse at a local Emergency Room.
  2. I have two wonderful children; a little girl who is 7 going on 18, and a little boy who just turned 4.
  3. I absolutely love school, I plan to eventually go back once I can afford it. I love the feeling of moving forward and bettering myself.
  4. I have two older sisters, and an older brother. They are my dads children from before he met my mom, so technically I grew up as an only child. They lived on the other side of the United States.
  5. I tend to look at my feet when I walk.
  6. I love to read, when I actually let myself. When I start a book or series of books, I can’t stop until they are finished. I feel like its a movie that I can’t pause, if I walk away I might miss something. So, I’ve had to tone down on the reading due to lacking on other responsibilities.
  7. I’m a puzzle freak, I can sit down and do 2000 piece puzzles in nothing flat. I love the peacefulness, and the focus while putting the puzzle together. It forces me to not think about everything else going on.
  8. I’m an impulse shopper, I stay out of stores to prevent this from taking over my life. “Oh that’s pretty…. I might need that…. I’ll buy it just in case.” Yeah not a good quality……
  9. I love video games, but I get motion sickness if I’m not careful. Yes, dork….I know…
  10. Batting cages are one of the most stress relieving things for me, I have fun doing it and I feel better afterwards. My arms are usually sore as shit though.
  11. I’m crazy about organization, I love label makers, bins, and baskets. I live in a very small rental house right now and it drives me absolutely crazy, it is not “organizationally friendly”. Especially after you jam 4 of us in here with two dogs.
  12. I like to draw, not to bad at it either. My only issue with that is, I can’t come up with my own ideas. I always have to find something to copy. As I get older, my imagination gets worse and worse. I never had that problem as a child. So that gets boring quickly.
  13. I was married once right out of high school, I have been tainted ever since. I refuse to do it again.
  14. My dream is to go overseas and use my medical skills to help people who need it, although I know this will never happen. I couldn’t leave my kids for that period of time, for their sake and my own.
  15. I’m a list maker, I have lists for everything! This goes into the fact that I love office supplies but I won’t go into that right now. 🙂
  16. I have pretty poor self- esteem, I always have. Its something I’ve worked on with no avail.
  17. My dad’s side of the family is Italian, so I grew up with lots of spaghetti, wine, and that funny uncle that sits at the end of the table looking like something out of the Godfather. I would love to go to Italy to meet some of my family one day.
  18. I am a soda addict. I drink it all day. Mountain Dew and Pepsi are my favorites. I need to work on my water intake a little bit…….okay a lot.
  19. Hoop dancing is one of my passions, I have recently fallen out of doing this but hope to get back to it soon. I have 6 hoops of all weights and sizes, one of which (my favorite) a hot pink poly pro!
  20. Okay this one is my little embarrassing secret. It shows how big of a dork I truly am…… I love Pez…. anything pez! I have 200+ dispensers collected in bins in my closet. There was a time in my life that I truly lived by “its the small things in life” and how can a pez dispenser not make someone happy?? They are small, cute, interesting, and there are so many different kinds. The candy is nasty lol…. but the products themselves are amazing!

Whew, okay so there are 20 things about me. I made it out alive……..

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